Discrete time Signals & Systems, Fourier: DFT, FFT-DIT, DIF, Structures: Cascade, Direct form-I/II, Latice. Filters: FIR and IIR, Butterworth, Chebyshev, Spectrum Estimations, Finite Word length Effect. Applications
class will start from 13th Jan 2015
Schedule: Tue: 11-12, Wed: 11-12, Fri: 01-02 in Room 28-108
Lecture notes and other material is updated on course page now.
There are two more columns are added, Deductions and Contribute, You can go through these columns
Tuesday, Feb 3, 2015 |4:08AM
All the lecture notes and handouts will be updated as per class and schedule. You can visit previous year course page for any prior information or Lecture notes, link is given at bottom.
Unit |
Lecture Notes |
Unit-1 | Introduction to DSP
Lec – 0 ECE300 DSP |
Unit-2 | Systems & Fourier-DFT and FFT
Lec – 2 SystemsLec – 3 Fouier and Z-TransformCheck Video Lecture Video Tutorial : Fourier Cheat Sheet : Fourier Family Fourier Cheat Sheet v2.0 |
Unit-3 | FIR Filters
Lec – 5 FIR Filter and System design |
Unit-4 | IIR Filters
Lec – 6 IIR Filter |
Unit-5 | Chebyshev & Spectrum Estimation
Lec – 7 Power Spectrum Estimation |
Unit-6 | Finite Word length Effect and Applications |
Assignment, tests and Exercises will be updated here
Exercise Sheets (download)
Exercise Sheet-1 for Signals & Systems
Exercise Sheet-2 for Signals & Systems Fourier and Z
Deductions for Signal
Just like Science of Deduction of Sherlock’s, We have “Deductions for Signal”.
Following are deductions. These deductions will help you solving questions quickly as it is required in GATE, DRDO, IES, and other PSU’s. BUT try to understand then Use it, once you understood, you will not make any mistake to use these deductions.
Deduce following with possible answers as “Always/Not Always + Periodic/Aperiodic ” Answers will be different for Continues Time and Discrete Time Signals So answer separately for Continues and Discrete
Cases Continues Discrete
- Periodic + Periodic = ________________ _______________ (+ and -)
- Periodic + Aperiodic = ________________ _______________
- Aperiodic + Aperiodic = ________________ _______________
- Periodic x Periodic = ________________ _______________
- Periodic x Aperiodic = ________________ _______________
- Aperiodic x Aperiodic = ________________ _______________
Energy and Power
- All Time limited* signals are ALWAYS Energy Signals EXCEPT signals does not blow up** in between
- All Time unlimited*** signals ALWAYS have Infinite Energy EXCEPT signal tends to zero when it approaches to infinity
- All Periodic Signals have infinite Energy
- All Periodic Signals are ALWAYS Power signals EXCEPT signal does not blow up in any period
*Time Limited means signal exist from t1 to t2 only (for finite time duration only)
**Blow up means reaching to infinity
***Time Unbounded mean At least one limit of signal touches to infinity. Signal exist either from – infinity to + infinity, t1 to +infinity or -infinity to t1
Systems (Linear, Time Invariant, Causal)
- “+ Constant” is always a Non- Linear System e.g. y(t) =x(t) +1
- If output of system is not zero for zero input, system in Non Linear. y(t) =/ 0 for x(t) =0
- Shifting (delaying or advancing) is Linear operation e.g. y(t) = x(t-1) or y(t) = x(t +1)
- Scaling (Compression or Expansion ) is _____?____ operation e.g. y(t) = x(2t) or y(t) =x(t/2)
Time Invariant
- Shifting (delaying or advancing) is _________________ e.g. y(t) = x(t-1) or y(t) = x(t +1)
- Scaling (Compression or Expansion ) is ____________ e.g. y(t) = x(2t) or y(t) =x(t/2)
- Any value of function of “time” present outside the argument of input x( .) is ALWAYS Time Invariant system e.g. y(t) =tx(t) or =x(t)exp(-t) or =x(t) + u(t) or =x(t)+t
- Shifting (delaying) is _________________ e.g. y(t) = x(t-1) or y(t) = x(t +1)
- shifting (advancing) is _________________ e.g. y(t) = x(t-1) or y(t) = x(t +1)
- Scaling (Compression)is ____________ e.g. y(t) = x(2t) or y(t) =x(t/2)
- Scaling (Expansion ) is ____________ e.g. y(t) = x(2t) or y(t) =x(t/2)
Join Discussion Forum for not only to get your query resolved but to help other too. Go to Discussion Forums page and select “Signal Processing” Forum
Join Discussion Forum and maintain your discussion civil. Ask your interested friends to join and help other
Right now, it may ask you to Login or Register, do so till the time I try to remove any restrictions for Forum.
You can also contribute to make this course better and Interesting for every one in one of following ways
1) You can contribute to design a “Workbook for DSP”. We are trying to compile a Good “Workbook” for DSP, which will include concept (in brief), Some solved examples followed by unsolved problems with different levels. This workbook is intended to help many to do self study and build strong concept with practice on numerical
2) You can make your own deductions and share with us to make it public, We will gladly share with your name only
3) You can work with us on different realist project where DSP is used, which can be showcased in class rooms (of course with your name)
4) Finally, At least you can join Forum and help many other students for their Queries
Previous Year Course page