Nikesh Bajaj
Nikesh Bajaj
- Major update on Spkit -, with more organised API and Webpage - https://Spkit.github.io
- Book: Principles of Machine Learning, (writing with Jesús), four chapters are now available online.
- MLEnd - Co-creatation of Dataset is shared - https://MLEndDatasets.github.io
- Joined Queen Mary University of London, as Lecturer (~Asst. Prof. ) in Data Science.
- New more accessible page for teaching material - https://nikeshbajaj.github.io/teaching
- Patent Published from Deception Detection work at UEL System and method for understanding and explaining spoken interactions using speech acoustic and linguistic markers
(without any ML libraries)
Deeplearning from Scratch
(without any ML libraries) now available in spkit
Decision Trees from Scratch - with visualization
Terrarium | A few organisms on a canvas
All the fun projects are now available on https://C4FA.github.io